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Never explain yourself. your friends don’t need it, and your enemies won’t believe it & life isn't about the mistakes you've made its about the lessons you've learned and the friends you've gained.

Raya and The Last Day of Puasa

The Last Day of Puasa
Im thinkin' of....
  1. duit raya. omg! betuahnye law dpt saiz besa lagy!
  2. baju raya. boley la.. tgkp muat.. at the end of puasa. :(
  3. kuih raya. a lot. much better than last year. :) mak bwat. :)
  4. takbir raya. i will hear it on this Sunday. :)
  5. msg raya. i will receive a bunch of msg forwarded with the same word, ayat and so on la; dush!
  6. guests on raya. wow.. xsaba; waitin for my special one come. :)
  7. holiday for raya. damn. got a lot of work. seriously i hate that. seminggu jea pulak tu. :(
  8. lagu raya. owh. xminat. tataw nape. dam2 dum; bunyi mecun. :)
  9. hari raya? fikirkn mkn2. :D

btw; hepy raya day; :DDD

0 fingers: