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Never explain yourself. your friends don’t need it, and your enemies won’t believe it & life isn't about the mistakes you've made its about the lessons you've learned and the friends you've gained.

I did this Ques

Could You Be Violent?

Did you grow up in a violent household?
- No
How well can you control your temper?
- Well enough - im blow up on occasion
As a kid, were you a bully?
- Not at all
How are your drinking habits?
- Ei... bodo.
Have you ever broken something out of anger?
- Once or twice
Do you hold grudges for a long time?
- Yes. I always remember how someone has wronged to me
Do you often say things you regret when you're angry?
- Yes, I can be quite mean.

&.. the result is :

There's a Chance You Could Be Violent
Overall, you're a pretty chill person - and you have a good handle on your emotions.
Sometimes your anger gets the best of you, and end up regretting how you act.
Try to curb your temper more often. It only has to get out of control once to do some damage.

really? hahaha!! so; U better WATCH OUT!! :DD

0 fingers: