About Me

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Never explain yourself. your friends don’t need it, and your enemies won’t believe it & life isn't about the mistakes you've made its about the lessons you've learned and the friends you've gained.

Macam - Macam

skunk ni, bile bongok tu da start keje, aku yang xkeje ni mula la naek bosan mcm guni lembap. mcm xde xtvt jea. balik2 ngan joyah kecik tuh~ soalan yang sama berulang kali. lagi tak jawab, lagi tu berbunyi. Itulah budak namanyer, nak disekeh, muka comel ta sampai hati. nak dijegil, buat muka xreti jea nanti, dimarah, terus cium aku kat pipi. ~~ 
Disebabkan da mula start bosan, mula la buat perangai jengkel ala - ala tahi. carik point nak bagi sama - sama panas hati. alih2 aku yang jauh hati. hai.. tolong okay mane2 company, ade vacancy pm aku kt sini. :P (macam ni boleh ke? :D)

0 fingers: