About Me

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Never explain yourself. your friends don’t need it, and your enemies won’t believe it & life isn't about the mistakes you've made its about the lessons you've learned and the friends you've gained.

Meet my cookie.

qalesya najwa. :)
9.00am: sanggup gerak bangun dum dam pintu semate2 nk ajak pegy tmn. sengal. haizz~ 
1.00pm : pegang kunci keta ajak beli kopok; smbil bising2 mtk duit kat mak seringgit.
sokay. asal kaw chomel ak ta kisa. :)

2 fingers:

t h e s c r a w l said...

chumel gler bdk kecik nie. geram2. nk culik boleh? hahaha

ReallyDontMind said...

mari sini la. hee~