About Me

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Never explain yourself. your friends don’t need it, and your enemies won’t believe it & life isn't about the mistakes you've made its about the lessons you've learned and the friends you've gained.

Die yang Shomel

si kechik ny buas na mampus!!!
location; TAMAN; ;DD
Mohammad Adam Haris Alias;

lastly; buas2 pown; dier still x lupekan aku untuk senyum dgn kameraku; ;DD

7 fingers:

Farie Amrah said...

chumel.. meriah jer bdk neh..
btw, salam singgah..

ReallyDontMind said...

makasheh; ;)

Unknown said...

ank spe ni weyh??

ReallyDontMind said...

nape?? ank jiran;

unknown said...

igtkan anak sendiri

apsl x de widget dlm blog ni

Unknown said...

ak ingt ank k0..hik3..ank jiran p0wn k0 lyn..mesra alam k0 neyh! huhu..

ReallyDontMind said...

bukan la kenkowg ny...

mang aku mesra alm pown